Thursday, December 31, 2009


I want them all!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Wohooo 2010 is coming!!
and recording nak dekat siap, tinggal nak repair vocal and keys je.
Then mix and mastering.
Tak sabar nak release nanti, tapi aku bajet release bulan 3 - 4 kot
and 2010 lah baru aku masuk degree... insya Allah

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hair oh hair

Haih, rambut aku ni dah semakin panjang and lebat dah
macam rimas pulak. Tak taw nak buat ape
hari2 nak iron pon malas pulak.
Antara potong pendek or rebonding.
Tapi aku risau nak reboding takot buruk plak, takot die kejung or rambut jadi tepek
Dapat rambut cam oli tu ok la. Dah benerrrr dah.

Bye bye Xbox360

Sob... sob... I just sold my Xbox360 to the Tech2 guys for RM350
Mule2 die kate nak beli RM400, then aku kate nak simpan Hard drive sekali then die beli RM350
Gila kau nak jual skali ngan hard drive, penat2 aku main game tu. Banyak game saves dalam HDD.
Takpela, RM350 kire banyak la. Akhir January nanti aku nak beli baru pulak.
Xbox360 Arcade Jesper Set, tak silap aku RM1000 camtu.
Jesper set ni die tahan lama sikit la kot. Aku punye tu die asik rosak sebab
die version lame, first edition punye. Tahun 2007 kot. Memang cepat rosak la.
Tak sabar wei nak beli baru

Monday, December 21, 2009


Dah lame tak tulis blog. Sekarang ni aku nak cite pasal idola aku pulak.
Asik cite pasal game je, haha.

1. Mike Hranica (The Devil Wears Prada)
Ok, first off, aku memang suke giler ar style Mike ni.
Die punye low bagi aku terpaling brutal ar.
Tapi high die boleh tahan ar en.
Obviously you can tell yang aku ni nak tiru suara die.
Haha. Dah la tough Mike ni, gerem je.
2. Oliver Sykes (Bring Me The Horizon)
Uih, sape tak kenal en Oli Sykes, kalau korang tgk kat sume page
scene girls or scene kids sekarang, gerenti ade gambar Oli ar
kat "who I like to meet" or "heroes" dorang.
Atau pon boleh taw kat display name dorang
"Ali Sykes" "Abuliver Sykes" macam2 la
Aku pon penah letak jugak dulu Joliver Sykes. Wakaka tu zaman dulu la
Aku suke die sebab rambut die je haha
Terbaek weyh rambut die, dah bener dah
dapat rambut cam Oli ni, takyah ar nak gune straightener tu lagi haha.
3. Jeremy McKinnon (A Day To Remember)
Ok ni third and last idola aku.
Scream die tak la seberapa bagus macam Mike
tapi aku suke die punye clean voice
suara die sedap kot.
Baru2 ni aku tengok live die kat Switzerland, suara die sampai kot
pergh, tak penah ke nak sing and scream at the same time.
Aku ni pon dah semput dah haha.
Pape pon terbaek ar weeeeeyyyhhhhh.

Monday, December 14, 2009

I hate PC games...

... and I have a good reasons.

1. You have to install it
2. After you install it, there's 50% chance that u can play the game
3. Most of the game you have to crack it and do weird stuff like install updates or patches... bla bla bla
4. and if you buy the CD games, 70% chance you can't play it, I don't know why
5. aaaand sometimes they crash
6. and lastly if you want to play online you have to download "version 1.9 (random number) or *NEW* online patch"
whatever it is.

that's why i hate PC games.


Haha jangan percaya dengan flyers ni. Ni sesaje je.
Tapi memang best la kalau jadi camni!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

My Xbox 360 officialy died

Baru je hantar repair 2 hari lepas
balik2 pasang nak main, kene balik RROD tu
tapi time dekat kedai tu ok pulak cine tu pasang
sedih sial
nasib baik ade 3 months warranty
kalau lepas ni repair rosak balik
memang official rosak la
kene beli baru pulak

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

4 eyes

Yes, I'm officially wearing glasses
Wearing them are cool
I can see things clearly now

I'm short sighted btw, and ape lagi satu tu, silau?
yeah something like that.
Maybe sebab main game banyak sangat? haha


Sunday, November 29, 2009


Bengang betol aku ngn myspacers skrang
asik2 mintak comment gambar la
gerem je
penting sangat ke comment gambar tu

"hi, boleh comment pic i tak? i'll hit u back"
mampos ar aku nk comment gambar sape pon
geremmmm je
dah la add aku pastu suro aku comment gambar die plak

lagi budak2 yang cam rempit/shuffle ni
"aWaKs DuDoWkS mAnEw? BoLeH cOmMeNt PiC TiTeW tAkS?"
MAMPOS!! camne la dorang type camtu
aku nk type camtu pon nak dekat seminit kot


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Nak jadi cam dorang jgak la

Hmmm tgk Christopher drew and owl city cam best plak
buat lagu sendiri ni
nak try la

tapi suara aku boleh plak en
lepas aku dengar lagu Alexandher, terbaek gak lagu die

takpe, suara tak lepas boleh guna auto-tune

haha nanti aku dah buat lagu sendiri, aku record la kalau sedap pon

then i can write a song about you

Friday, November 27, 2009

Almost DONE!!

Our album is almost done
tinggal lagi 2 lagu for vocals
and ade setengah lagi for keys

and tinggal sing alongs
cant wait cant wait

Im really looking forward to this album
and we promise you that it'll be the best ever

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Next Tuesday!!

kan kan kan?
can't wait

I'm free as a bird

Yeah assignment dah submit
and lect sume kate ok la
Ms. Veem suka haha
dah la dorang offer kitorg ape ntah
macam terbaek je

janji lepas ni boleh la enjoy skit
asik potong kayu je takleh la bro

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Busy bee-zee bizi

Haihhhh banyak nye benda nak kene buat
poting kayu la, drill kayu la
macam2 ar lect DF ni suroh buat.
Khamis dah kene hantar

malas betul nak buat
rajin batul nak main game

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Just bought a hell lotsa new games

Assasin's Creed 2
GTA 4 Episoed from Liberty Stories
and Zelda: Twilight Princess

mane satu nak main dulu?


2 days straight

Elakkan pengsan je main gig 2 hari
tekak pon boleh tahan ar
nasib baik ade Halls!!

ok la ni
camne la kalau tour
elakkan suara hilang je

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

New games

Lately, there a lot, i mean A LOT of new games coming out and I need to buy and play them.
The problem is that I don't have any time to play them all at once so I have to start finishing one by one.
Because I have a lot of games to play on Wii, Xbox 360, PC and NDS.

God, I'm so addicted to them

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Finally... Wii

At last, the machine is mine!!
Just bought it yesterday for RM800 plus 10 free games

Currently playing Dead Space: Extraction
terbaek wei Wii
sakit tangan aku hayun sana sini
now I know why Wii outsell the Xbox 360 and PS3

I'm happy right now

Thursday, November 5, 2009

one more week :(

Terpaksa tunggu one more week to buy Wii
Sedih doowh.
Takpe, banyak lagi game tengah maen ni like, Mirror's Edge (terbaek weyh), and Borderlands (lagi terbaek weyh)

owh and aku dah menang dah Fatal Frame 3 haha! :D
susah dowh last boss. Boleh terbang2 plak.
Pastu, if she touches you, you'll die instantly. It's unfair but in the end, aku menang.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Pergh dah lame tak update.
Hmm nak tulis ape eh?

Owh ya this saturday im going to buy my brand new Nintendo Wii
can't wait. Im soooo effing excited!!

Umm assignment semakin banyak
so semakin malas la aku ni. Haha

andddddddd nak tulis ape lagi ha?
owh and and aku kekurangan duit. (duit Wii ade tp taknak gune haha)
so makan pon kurang..... subway.. sob sob

thats all
peace out mother brothas :P

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween!! Snap snap

Yeah it's almost near!!
All the ghost will wonder around and people will scream for help

Who do you wanna call?
Ghost Busters? naaaaahhh

I've got my Camera Obscura LVL 2 range and LVL 3 spirit power.
FATAL FRAME SHOT. CORE SHOT!! plus 3 combos = 5000 points :P
Hunting time!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Urgh suara barai.
Ni sebab record hari2 la ni.
Kene la rest, nak record hari2 pon takleh gak
kang terus takde suara plak

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Videogames are always and will be my drug

God how I love videogames sooooo much. I can't describe the words
These things are like drugs to me. I have to play it everyday and everytime.
Can't stop playing it. When I was a kid, my parents always said that videogames are bad
But today, they don't care how much I play or how long. Bcause I'm grown up now!! haha

I remember the first time I played my first video game. I think it was Megaman X4
the best Megaman X ever!! Magma Dragoon!! haha. Miss the old days.

But now I almost have all the video games. Still collecting and buying them, still playing, still loving.
I won't stop playing video games until I die.
I will pass on to my child and my grandchild so that they will remember me and make my video games
collection as their "harta pusaka" hahahah :P

Video games FTW!! W00T W00T W00T!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dah Bener Day Out 2009 (part 1)

Yehhaaaw!! Terbaik wei tour ni. Kitorg start from 4 pm Selasa to 4 pm Rabu. That's 24 hours non stop jalan-jalan without sleep!! Can you imagine that. Ni gambar-gambar dia.

Kitorg gerak BB dulu, sampai dalam pkol 5 lebih camtu kot. Sampai BB je kitorg terus pergi Guardian. Faidhi nak beli minyak rambut kot. Haha. Aku pun tengok2 la hair spray kat situ. Terbaek jugak la.

Lepas pergi guardian tu kitorg terus lepak kat Kitaro. Sume makan la kecuali aku. Aku target makan Subway je haha! Then Wan metal, Joker and Emme pon join kitorg skali. Join lepak kitaro jela.

Aku minum Redbull jela time lepak Kitaro tu. Bende tengah ngantok kot. Haha!

After lepak Kitaro, macam nak dekat pkol 8 camtu kitorg gerak la Pavilion pulak. Dorang nak cari kasut.

Dah sampai Pavilion kitorg tengok kasut dekat Stadium tak silap aku. Banyak dowh kasut Vans lawa kat sini. Gerem je.

Lepas tengok kasut tu lepak kat depan Pavi kejap dorang nak isap rokok. Haha. Dah macam budak community dah lepak kat depan pavi tangkap gambar :P

Lepas lepak Pavi tu kitorg pon berangkat ke KLCC pulak. Jalan kaki taw from Pavi to KLCC. Penat tapi best ar. haha. Emme pon join skali tour kitorg. Dah sampai KLCC tu ade plak showcase moto gp kot. Ade wii skali plak tu, ade orang maen game moto gp. Terbaek weyh!!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ask me anything about videogames

If you guys have question about videogames or you guys don't know what to play. I can recommend you some cool games.

If you guys stuck in some games and don't know what to do next, I maybe able to help you.
I played almost all PSone games, PS2 games.

You can ask me ask me anything about any videogames console.

Senang cerita just ask me anything la about videgames haha!

Monday, October 19, 2009

What The Fuuuuud?

I've been eating a lot of subways lately
and I remember the first time i ate subway, it was Black Territory's album launching party
and my friends ask me to join them and eat subway there
and I gotta say this, it was dammmmnn tasty!!

Kalah Macdonald's, kalah KFC, kalah Pizza Hut, kalah Dominos, kalah semua!!
and my fav is Veggie Delite
yang lain tak pernah rasa lagi, maybe next time.
All I have to say is that Subway rules d00d!!
That's all. Peace out motherbrothers :P

Friday, October 16, 2009


Pergh, season ni memang barai habis ar. Hari hari bangun pukul 7 malam, then pegi makan kat memane sampai pukul 2 - 3 pagi camtu pegi CC main CS pulak sampai pukul 6 pagi gerak Ayza breakfast. Then balik rumah pukul 7.30 tidur pukul 8 pagi.

Apa nak jadi dengan aku la ni. Barai.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Serang Serang! - Melekit Lekit

At last the video is finish and uploaded.
Enjoy guys.

Monday, October 12, 2009

We love you Wii!!

Yeah lagi berapa bulan sahaja then dapat beli Nintendo Wii.
I can't wait. Think all the games I can play after this.
All the fun games.
Nampaknya lepas ni banyak la bersenam. haha!!

What!? Class?

Great, class is starting and I'm not ready yet.
Aku ingat cuti lama lagi ke, haish baru nak main game puas2 :(

BUT!!... I only have one class, that's rite, one class only.
Sebab aku kena repeat haha.

Lama lagi la maksudnya aku nak masuk degree.
Study study study.

I don't like to show off but...

...these are the videogames console that I have right now. And I'm still playing them.
PSP 1000 white (rosak dah hahaha)
Nintendo DS Lite white
Xbox 360 Arcade 20GB

Thats all I have for now. Nak beli PS3 and Wii nanti. Haha!! I want to buy all of them. So I can enjoy all the videogames in this world. :)

Me is Jo

Ummm... i think this is my 6th blog. I deleted the others... dunno why. Banyak sangat la. Haha.

Anyway, call me Jo. Ramai tak percaya name aku Johann. haha tak taw nape.
And hidup aku penuh dgn makanan and videogames. Yes!!

tak taw nak tulis ape dah